Knowledge Base
Knowledge base articles posted by Virinco.
- Approving WATS for medical production (FDA approval)
- Asset vs FixtureId in test reports
- Date and time in WATS
- Delete the web browser cache
- Disable IIS Logging
- Enable Silverlight
- Extract serial number when scanning with barcode identifiers
- Failed to load VI because the VI version is 9.0
- Getting Started Guide - LEGACY
- How to create a trace for Virinco support team
- How to find a measurements full path - Measurement Path
- How to install WATS web portal as an App in Microsoft Edge (Chromium)
- Include an image or link in the UUT report
- Manual installation of certificate
- Misc Info - String and/or integer value
- Monitoring and estimating your WATS data usage
- Numeric formatting in UUT report
- Set WATS to open report details in new browser tabs
- Software revision formatting - Software revision number does not display as expected (1.0.0.x)
- TestStand, OS, LabVIEW, .NET and WATS Compatibility
- Time Synchronization
- Uninstall WATS Test Station 2.3
- Uninstall Workflow/Manual Inspection designer
- Update data in reports
- Using a network folder from a WATS client converter.
- WATS Client - Add write permission to NETWORK SERVICE on file system to allow converter access
- WATS Client - Cloning a test station
- WATS Client - Install issue when using RDP or multiple login users
- WATS Client - Logging Level for support
- WATS Client - Manual installation of certificates