List of PCBA. serial number, Part number, box built serial number and MAC address
We have following information, we want to have shown a list:
- Test time/date
- Serial number (added via Teststand)
- Part Number (added via Teststand)
- Box built serial number (scanned end of test and submitted via a string value test from teststand)
- MAC address (Submitted via a string value test from teststand)
Optimal if we can generate the list directly in Wats, and export the list to Excel/csv. If not possible, what is then the best method? REST api or?
Regards Anders
Official comment
You could either use Test step yield & analysis, but then you would have to look/list one step at the time (Box built serial number/MAC address) or use the export wizard and use "selected steps"; you may consider adding both (Box build SN and MAC) as sub units in the UUT header:
Also, WATS has a MAC address handler system:
I hope this answered your question
Comment actions -
I have ended up added it both in mics info (because then we can search it), as subunit (as you suggested) and in comments (because then we can see it in the list).
We start with that, and then we will later see what info we use and remove it from the other places.
Thank you for your help :o)
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