Send alert when a single measurement is above threashold
We are logging some numeric data as a Greater than, with a lower limit of 0, with the understanding that this will always pass.
We are logging certain parameters so that we can see variability in our process and use the graphing and analysis tools.
We would now like to expand on the tools by sending an alert when a single value is over a limit.
Example of a list of measurements (each measurement was taking during a single test): 5,6,7,5,6,6,6,6,50,5,5,7
We would want to alert when any measurement value greater than 10, so in this example, as soon as the 50 is seen.
under the Alarm Rules page, I select the Measurements type, and then under the Conditions I would want to select "ActualValue", but it is not an option (shown below is Maximum value, which is where I would expect to see Actual Value).
Am I able to accomplish this type of rule?
Official comment
Hi Kenny.
Unfortunately, this is not possible today.
The Measurements type operates on pre-aggregated data, and the actual value is therefore not an option. The Maximum value will be the one you should make us of for now.
We will however investigate if it is possible to have this include in the Reports (UUT) type.
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