Report filter by fixture id and operator
I t would be good to have filter options by fixture id and operator in test report.
We use the “PASSED in RUN CHART” and the “STEP CAUSED UUT FAIL CHART” frequently to analyze the test data by filtering out certain parameters. It will be helpful to have the capability to filter out all the parameters implemented under UUT info and Station data in the test reports.
It will be a plus If it can be implemented under “yield reports” and "station repors".
Should not comment to old post, but seems to be still valid idea.
I was looking related information (how to see usage matrix Station*FixtureID) and noticed that the Fixture ID can not be used even as a filter not even on test reports view, not even by Misc info -filter. (I thought this was already possible but does not seem to be... Or then I have forgotten the way...)
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