Zero Order Hold Backstep in measurement widgets
There is a know bug (I think) where the adding or removing of interpolation between datapoints and their limits in the measurement widget does not function correctly. In addition to having that fixed it would be nice to have the option of the Zero Order Hold Backstep interpolation. Zoh backstep is where the interpolation is simply a straight line originating from a datapoint and terminating to the right hand side where a new datapoint is placed, but without reaching the datapoint. (Yes, this makes the interpolation discontinuous but this it still advantageous.)
Official comment
It might be that we need to change the label on this option. What this option does is deciding handling of unknown values, like NaN and null (missing) values. If the interpolate option is turned off, those values won't be plot to the chart. If the option is turned on, it will apply linear interpolation.
As far as Zoh backstep is concerned, I don't think this is supported in our charting component (which is a third party solution). I will investigate this further and add this as a feature request if it is not supported at the moment.Comment actions
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