Correct way to change test reports in WATS




  • Official comment
    Ola Lund Reppe

    Hi, provided that you have the access to edit UUT headers, this can be done manually by opening the UUT-Report, and from the menu in the top left hand corner you can choose "edit header". Make your changes and click Save changes to apply.

    If you need to change bulks of reports, they can be updated by reading, editing and resubmitting the reports from the REST or .NET API's. Be aware that if you change serialNumber, partNumber, testOperation or start time the resubmitted report will be a duplicate, not replaced. If you for example change the serial numbers, you should consider deleting the old report, and submitting a new - unless you want to keep a copy with the old SN.

    Ola Lund Reppe

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  • Erijensen

    Brillant! It works like a charm!

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