Logging test data into WATS



  • Tom Andres Lomsdalen

    Hi Karl,

    The "WATS logging" result process plug-in will save the same data to WATS as the default TS report(s) (as you know), and there is no standard way to filter this. You may disable logging on individual steps, but that will disable logging in both reports.

    An option is to use a custom WATS Client converter or a WATS Standard format instead of the "WATS logging" plug-in, but it requires more work at your end.


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  • Jean-Louis Schricke

    Hi Tom,

    I have the same need for many clients.

    We want to log only some numeric limit tests into WATS but we need to have more command details into XML additional report.
    Currently it is not possible to select the tests which will be logged (or not logged) into WATS.
    I think one option is missing into TestStand plugin.
    Could it be possible to have a meeting on this subject ?

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  • Tom Andres Lomsdalen

    Hi Jean-Louis,

    Yes. Please send me an email with some suggested dates.


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