Use Excel to retrieve reports from Wats
AnsweredI would like to import data from wats directly into Excel upon request in Excel.
Example, retrieve all tested serial numbers from date from to date.
Is there any documentation for how to do this?
Official comment
Hi Johnny
This is really easy. In the main menu, select Reporting and then Export Wizard.
From WATS Help:
Export Wizard
The Export Wizard lets you export Test and Repair report data to various formats.
A type, data source, and format must be selected, and the report filter is shown after this is done. Additionally, if the data source and format combination supports it, options for which details to output is shown. All types of options are automatically saved when a change is performed to persist them between user visits. When Selected steps is chosen as data source; selected sequences, steps and step grouping is saved as well.
Options for type, data source and format
Data source
Test reports
All, Header, Selected steps, Chart data
Excel, CSV
Attachments (files)
Repair report
All, Header
Excel, CSV, WSXF (ZIP)
Attachments (files)
Certificates (UUT)
All, Header, Selected steps
WSXF: WATS Standard XML Format
NOTE: The Excel, CSV and PDF formats are intended to be used by humans. Automation tools built around these formats easily break when new additions or fixes are added to the formats. The WSXF format (XML) is better for automation, because it is still readable by custom automation tools even if there are new data fields that the tool does not support.
After a data source and format has been selected, and depending if the combination of these support it, groups of checkboxes appear to let you choose which details to output, or to choose how the output should be formatted. A disabled checkbox indicates that the output is unavailable.
Header Details
Details from Test/Repair header data
Step Details
Details from Test report step data. The default value for the Numeric Format option is maintained from My Settings, and if changed in Step Details, the new value will only persist throughout the browser session.
Failure Details
Details from Repair report failure data
Formatting options for Certificate:
View Step Hierarchy
Indents the text to visualize the step hierarchy (root/sub step)
Sign Certificate
Inserts the uploaded signature image to the bottom left of a certificate page. Additionally, if a user display name exists, this will be printed below the signature. If this option is checked and a signature image haven’t been uploaded in My Settings (My Profile), a warning sign is shown.
Report Filter
The report filter requires one or multiple test operations if Selected steps or Chart data is chosen as data source. If type is Test report or Certificate (Test report), you may also filter on Run (All, First, Second or Last).
Export Summary/Progress
When the report filter has been applied, the export summary provides the number of reports which will be exported, as well as the selected data source, format and which types of steps that will be included in the export. When one or multiple reports have been selected, the “Export” button is visible. After the export has been initiated, a progress bar indicates the current progress. You can leave the page while the export is doing work, an email will be sent when it is complete. If you want to cancel the export, click the “Cancel” button. When the export is complete, the “Download” button appears. When the download has been started, the modal background disappears and the browser will request to either open or save the file (depending on browser settings).
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