Using mean time instead of average in "Test Step yield & ananlysis"
I noticed that some of our test steps are messing up the "test execution time" analysis. This can happen when an operator intervention was required during execution of the test. I added a screenshot of the analysis showing test step "M00612xx_Test_Input_channels (step time: 84.6291341)", which on "average" takes about 85 seconds to execute but that doesn't show up in the analysis (because the operator probably left once without finishing the test).
I propose to use mean time instead of average in the analysis tool or maybe have it as an option.
For some reason nothing happens when I click on the bars shown in the top 10 graph?
Official comment
It is planned a rewrite of Test Step yield & analysis in one of the next versions of WATS (although I cannot give a time estimate for this yet), and we will add these suggestions as feature requests for the rewrite.
Comment actions -
This is a great idea. For test time duration analysis, I am using "meantime" always and only, because of the wide range of influences in case of user interactions. Getting a histogram graph additionally with the statistical distribution of all single test duration would be a dream...
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