TestStand model change after WATS installation
as the Teststand model is automatically changed to the WATS model after client update/installation: would it be possible to store the model path when starting installation and then automatically switch it back to the model file it was originally set to? This often causes support tickets to be raised as the model file is the wrong one.
Official comment
The issue is that the TS Seq editor app must be executed once to register and activate the WATS logging Plug-in (SequenceFileLoad callback). Your suggestion means that the client must open/close TS and then change the model file back to "default", which makes the installation much more complicated. Another option is to use the TS API from the Client to activate the Plug-in, but then you have to activate the correct TS version (if you have multiple TS versions etc,).
I will discuss this with NI to see if they have another suggestion.
PS: You can also make sure your sequences uses the correct Model by adding this to the Sequence File property.
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