Optimize STEP CAUSED UUT FAIL CHART under Test Report




  • Official comment
    Tom Andres Lomsdalen


    The Test report is listing individual UUT report results. The Step caused UUT fail chart is just a summary of the grid data (column) based on your filter. One step name may have multiple product names and test operations. this would result in the chart (possibly) listing same step name multiple times with different product names and test operations.

    If you use the Test Step Yield and analysis (TSYA), you may find the same chart, but aggregated based on the selected rows (Part number, revision, SW version, etc.). The grid in TSYA will also list all steps and you can sort columns and toggle the "only count filure causing UUT failure).

    Next WATS release will also include a new Yield report (in Preview) allowing you to se aggregated yield data with "step caused UUT fail as a dimension

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  • Colin

    Hi, Tom, 

    Yes, Thanks. 


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