Adding additional information in Test reports summary: 'TEST SOCKET CAUSED UUT FAIL CHART'
When dealing with data from a test Location / Station which contains more than 1 test socket, it is very often a matter of finding which test socket is causing / registers most errors.
Therefore I suggest additional information in the Test reports view in Summary part. See below where I have added an extra chart: 'TEST SOCKET CAUSED UUT FAIL CHART'
when clicking on step, a summary is shown, add information on no of fails registered for each test socket in this
Alternative 2:
Add a button 'Details' which opens a new window/page for each 'Station Name' and/or 'Test location' with details on failrates for each test socket.
Best regards
Steffen Poulsen.
Official comment
Hi Steffen,
In version 20.2, you can now individually select pie charts
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