Multi Test Periodic Yield Selection
CompletedWould like to get high level weighted average by test count Periodic Yield reports that allow you to select multiple or all test operations. This would be used to show total periodic yield for a product, product family or an entire site level.
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Hi Chris,
So just to confirm; you want to select several or all processes in this list? And that the table below has a new "split" including process (either as drill down or new line)?
If so, this is already planned for in WATS 2020.1/2020.2
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Hi Tom,
The feature I was suggesting is a aggregate weighted average of yield to show cumulative performance at a high level. (product, group of products, site specific, or part number specific). We manually calculate this today to show high level performance to our senior leadership team. It's a good way to look at overall production health.Formula would be: ∑yv ÷ ∑v where y is yield of test and v is volume of test.
For example:- RF Product Group = Product A (PCBA Test, Programming, Functional Test), Product B (PCBA Test, Programming, Functional), ...
-- I'd like to be able to simply select RF Product Group and PCBA, Programming, Functional Test) to show overall performance of the RF Product Group
Alternatively for site:
- Level options Contract Manufacture A (Production Site US, Production Site MX), Contract Manufacture B (Production Site CA, Production Site US), ...
-- I'd like to be able to select any number of site combinations to show weighted average performance of the sites. Or select all to see my overall yields.
In summary, I'd like to be able to select anything (one or more) on the left hand side of your filter (Product Group, Level, Part Number, etc) and then also be able to select multiple test operations from that generate a weighted average (FPY, 2PY, 2PY, LPY).
I hope this helps. If you have any further questions I'd be happy to jump on a quick call today and show you what we are doing and explain further.
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