New Gauge RnR report




  • Official comment
    Tom Andres Lomsdalen

    Available in the 2015.3 release:

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  • Tero Leppanen

    Just wondering if it possible to save filter settings?

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  • Tero Leppanen

    Is it possible to have Number of District Categories calculated as well?


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    • Display X/Rbar charts with the control limits
    • Add Part*Appraiser interaction chart


    • Are there any limitations for the number of repeats/parts/appraisers?
    • Possibility to save/export the Gage R&R report with the used filters. I would add this feature also to the other reporting tools (Product Yield, Test Step & Yield Analysis).
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  • Pietu Puura

    - Is it also possible to have one-way ANOVA analysis (single operator)? In some cases there is only one test station / test fixture in use and the test system is fully automatic. In my opinion human operator doesn't affect to the results of the measurements.

    - NDC (Number of District Categories).

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  • Tonnie Te. Braake

    - We would like to add  the CP and CPk values in the "second result" window  and we would like to export this view to Excel.


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  • Pietu Puura

    1. Please make graphs more colorful, now if you print these to paper you are not able to see much.

    2. Can you add R chart and X-bar chart?

    3. Is it necessary always to have three different normal distribution graphs? Could it be so that you can select which graphs you like to see in your report?

    4. Part graph could be different type, - now it’s quite difficult see anything useful. Run chart is now more like scatter chart - add line’s between dots?

    5. Could title of “By Appraises” graph be “By Appraises (Operators)”

    [Tapio Leveelahti]


    6. Could all these charts / plots be selectable because users might have a different needs for these graphs?

    7. Export whole report to doc format for further report editing.

    [Pietu Puura]


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  • Jukka Ainali

    Hi suggest to ad date to appraisal list. This way different  appraisal(which are not specified in spec) influence may be studied. For example change in testing environment.

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  • Niko Auvinen

    Few proposals:

    1. R-chart and X-bar with control limits - These are used in GageR&R to detect if any operator or DUT is dominating the GageR&R result and should be considered to be removed from analyze.

    2. Number of Distinct categories - Often used in parallel with GageR&R(tolerance) and useful information when performing root-cause analyze for tested product by control charts etc.

           2.a. Study Variation(Part-to-Part) - If low NDC value, Study Variation(part-to-part) helps to detect does GageR&R sample units represent normal production variation for tested parameter.

    3. Warning text if there is not enough test data for Annova calculation- Few SPC books defines rule of thumb for minimum data: nro of DUTS times operators should be over 15. And min.3 trials


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  • Tom Andres Lomsdalen

    Hi All,

    Please check out this BETA version of the new WATS Gauge RnR Report.

    Browse to and use test/test as login credentials.

    PS: Not all your requirements was implemented at this stage, but we are confident that this version will be a major step-up from the version available in WATS today.

    Please leave your comments below. We may also provide the raw data used for calculations upon request.



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