To find out if the measurements are drfting or changing from the previous HW Rev. of the product




  • Tom Andres Lomsdalen

    Hi Winnie,

    At the WATS UP conference we discussed to implement "more automatic" SPC using
    In your case, would this help you get the warnings if we implemented a report running the Western Electric Rules?


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  • Henrik Soderholtz

    Is there a function like this in the current version of WATS?

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  • Tommy Egeberg

    Hi Henrik.

    You can perform deep trend analysis on measurement in WATS. In Test Step yield & analysis you can group your measurements by revision or other interesting header fields. For more information, watch the video in TSY-A-Details-View. 


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  • Henrik Pallesen Madsen

    I am also looking for a feature that Alarms and Notifies the WATS user when a measurement "behaves strange" by moving away from its "normal" value fx when starting use of a new batch of (possibly bad) components. But measurement/unit still passing tests. To use it as an early warning.

    It should be possible to define a range either % of tolerance fx when a measurement moves out of the inner 80% of the tolerance or when a Cp or Cpk value becomes too low to be notified by alerts.

    To get the trend it could be a moving average with a definition of how many measurements the trend should be based on.

    This could also be used in the Dashboard view. To monitor selected sensitive measurements. Presented with step/measurement name, not like the favorits in the present Cpk overview.

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