MobileAPP - Product Number or Name usage
I am using some amount of the Mobile APP, and have few proposals to it. Here is one.
Because the Product Names are not available in the Mobile App UUT Report filter, the usage of the Procut Numbers (that usually can not be remembered) could be made easier. For this I would actually have two ideas.
1. Could the Product Names be available in the MobileApp UUT Report filtering? Instead of proposing the name and converting the name to number directly in "browser" as done in Web version, the Product Name would be converted during the reports query time.
This could also be ok update to Web version.
User could write the Product Name in the number field and click Apply Filter. The server would use the value as Product Number, if nothing found, would try to use it as Product Name (or wise versa).
2. Simply, made it possible to copy the Product Number from the Home-page (or Product Number specific page under it). Then user can just paste this number to the UUT Report filter (as already).
Additionally, there could also be direct link from the Home-page side to the UUT Report with the Product Number included to filter.
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