MobileAPP - Home - Additional Filter by Product Category
I am using some amount of the Mobile APP, and have few proposals to it. Here is one.
This is partly duplicate for: Category field available as Filter in Test Reports module?
I am not sure is the Product Category used actually anywhere... But could we add it as filter to Mobile APP Home page? I would see this as alternative of creating high level Product Group.
Target of my idea would be to example easily filter all PCBA level results. I would already have all the PCBA level products categorized as PCB. I would see it double work to also add them to a product group named PCBA. They already have been added to Product Groups based on the final products where the PCBAs are mainly used.
PCBA production is multiple location and so the Level filtering does not work (I would need to select multiple levels to see all PCBA production).
Or, is there other usage for the Category?
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