Box zoom for Step Details

Under review



  • Daniel Auke

    Hello Matthew,

    We are currently doing a major overhaul on the step details module so input such as this is much appreciated. Could you clarify which chart you are talking about? Screenshots would be helpful to.

    Best regards,


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  • Matthew Watkins


    Hi, also please add the capability to export data from any chart in any view. THats a standard LV control , just like the graph palette. 

    Right now I guess I have to take a bunch of screenshots and retype the data?? hard to share 


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  • Matthew Watkins

    Also, this help summary thing is always in the way when trying to view data. need a quick way to suppress it, like hold ctrl/shift and a way to turn it on/off completely. 

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  • Matthew Watkins

    Additionally, a way to adjust the # of bins in the histogram, its not useful there is just 1 bin

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  • Matthew Watkins

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  • Matthew Watkins

    Could you clarify which chart you are talking about? Screenshots would be helpful to.

    chart is Step Details

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  • Matthew Watkins

    need a way to exclude specific SN's from being included, like that one data point in the data above, would like to exclude it to fix the cp/cpk calculations, otherwise it is very distracting when showing the data 

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  • Daniel Auke

    Hello again Matthew,


    Thank you for the clarifications and additional feedback.


    In the chart you are referring to you can apply box zoom by pressing the "Alt" key while hovering the chart. Right now this is the only chart with this functionality, but we will discuss whether or not this will be implemented in other charts as well.


    We will review the rest of your feedback as possible improvements going forward.


    Best regards,


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  • Matthew Watkins

    Hi Daniel, 

    The 'Alt' key implementation works really well, thank you for letting me know!! regards


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