Failed to Load VI using TestStand 2021 (64-bit)



  • Official comment
    Tom Andres Lomsdalen

    Hi Chase,

    I see the same behavior on my side. I will need to investigate further and get back to you. (It may be related to 32/64 bit LV versions.) Did you install the LV runtime 64 bit?

    2 options to consider:
    1: If you are also running LV full development, please select the full development version from the Configure -> Adapters... -> LabVIEW menu
    2: Consider replacing the WATS "Identify UUT" step/VI with another tailored version 


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  • Tom Andres Lomsdalen

    Hi Chase,

    From my findings, seems the issue is with TS2021 64bit do not accept/show the LabVIEW Runtime 2017 32 bit version. The "Identify UUT" VI is built with the "lowest supported" LV version (LV2017 32bit) so it should work for all LV versions supported.

    Does any of the 2 options I listed work for you?

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  • Chase Fearing

    Hey Tom, it did work for to run using the LabVIEW Development System. I can also try using 2) later down the road if needed.


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