XY chart enable to show data not in same time slot

Under review



  • Official comment
    Andreas Kristensen

    Hi Nancy

    We are currently developing a new version of Analyze chart data for the new Step details, and we have already discussed the use cases you are describing here. We are still in the planning stage of the feature, but most likely the new version will let you do what you ask here. The feature won't be available before late this year though. We will make sure to include your feedback in the discussion as well.

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  • Tom Andres Lomsdalen

    Hi Nancy,

    Can you add some more context and preferably some print screen examples or illustrations to what you want to achieve? 
    Is it so that you want to pick which of the "397" steps/charts you want to analyze?
    Is that based on Serial number, step/UUT status, or other?


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  • Nancy Zheng

    I tried to attach some screenshots before, but it always failed with a warning, but the screenshot I want to attach is only 200-400K, much less than the limited value 2MB.

    There might be several test data.

    For example.

    Option 1: A same serial number, it is used to verify some test conditions of a fixture or different time, etc. Like 

    • Data - 1: Fixture volume is 10.
    • Data - 2: Fixture volume is 15.
    • Data - 3: Fixture volume is 20.
    • Data - 4: Fixture volume is 25.
    • Data - 5: Fixture volume is 30.
    • ...

    When there is too many data and only want to check the curve of Data -1 and Data - 5. It's hard to identify which curve is 1, which is 5. But if can pick only Data-1 and Data - 5 in the list and then analyst the data, it would be nice. (Data - 1 to 5 is only here to show the list, it might be same SN at real test)

    Option 2: There are 2 or more similar steps of a test report and want to have a check if the curves of those similar steps are similar or not. 

    It would be nice if can pick those steps and analyst the data.


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  • Nancy Zheng

    Good to know, and looking forward to new version.

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