WATS & LabVIEW Run-Time 13.0f2



  • Tom Andres Lomsdalen


    The WATS TestStand add-on files (LabVIEW VI's) is saved with the lowest allowed version of LabVIEW for that given TestStand version. The VI's (now only using 3 VI's for identify UUT for each model, rest of support is C#) should run using the run-time engine.

    Which TestStand version are you using?

    See also this deployment guide: https://support.virinco.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001244571-TestStand-Deployment-guide


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  • Erijensen

    Hi Tom,

    I apologize for the tardy reply. I am using TestStand 2017 SP1. 

    I am using the WATS_Batch_Model.
    I have no issues running this when using the development environment. It is only when I switch to Runtime that the issue occurs. If I open the "Identify-Status-BatchUUTs.vi" in LabVIEW 2017 SP1 (17.1.55) and save it all the issues go away.

    Before opening it in LabVIEW 2017 SP1 and saving it I thought I could simply install the correct Runtime. The error I received indicated I needed to use LabVIEW Runtime 13 ("LabVIEW version '13.0' is not installed"). 
    After installing LabVIEW Runtime 13.0 f2 I got an error saying it "Failed to load VI" in LabVIEW Run-Time Engine version '13.0f2'. The error also said the VI is not executable.

    Installing LabVIEW Runtime 13 SP1 did not remove the error, but changed the version in the error to '13.0.1f6'.

    Given that the error I receive when trying to use LabVIEW runtime requires me to install LabVIEW runtime 13, but that neither versions from NI allow the VI to execute I'm wondering what I should do?

    I looked at the deployment guide. It will probably be helpful in the future, but does not seem directly relevant to executing a default WATS installation with LabVIEW Runtime.

    BTW: I really appreciate your help on this issue, despite the fact that I've found a workaround.


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  • Tom Andres Lomsdalen

    Hi again,

    I have investigated his and it seems to be an NI bug. When I activate the TS2017 version on my dev computer, NI "reinstall" the TestStand addons toolkit for the LabVIEW versions, and for LV2013, the toolkit is compiled with LV 2014... If I recompile with LV2013, next time I "re"activate TS2017, the LV14 version is back.

    So, I guess you should use the workaround or make your own version of the  "Identify-Status-BatchUUTs.vi".

    This example is for sequential but same method apply for batch. https://support.virinco.com/hc/en-us/articles/207424553-Replace-or-create-custom-Identify-UUT



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  • Erijensen

    Hi Tom

    Thank you for that thorough investigation. I will continue to simply re-save the VI.

    Best Regards,


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