Product groups: station location filter



1 comment

  • Official comment
    Tom Andres Lomsdalen

    Hi Regsi,

    here are some inputs that might help you:

    - in the WATS filters, you have 2 grouping options available: "Product Group" and "Level". Using "Level", you can filter data from computers (stations) and also make virtual levels for filtering multiple stations (Organization, Location, Factory and Line): read more:

    - you can also restrict (or grant) access to data on User level based on those "Levels" or "Product Groups" so you can combine PNs and physical location. :

    - When creating "Product Groups" in CP, you can use wildcard to list your part numbers (e.g. 102% includes all PNs starting with 102). See the filter section in the in-app help:

    - Also, you can use "Product Group" in the report filter but also add "Station name" as additional filter input to 

    Would these items help you address your issue?


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