WATS Cloud maintenance
- System Manager - Updating site (changing GPS) sets site code to null, disabling server to server sync
- UUT report - Remove support for HTML in additional results values
- Asset - Asset touched by client takes priority over asset parent in hierarchy
- Manual Inspection - Instructions pdf occationaly jumps to wrong page when page number and search string is specified
- Reporting - Process Capability analysis doesn't include revision and sequence filters in step details drilldown.
- Dashboard - Station report grid is not dynamic yield
- Filter - "To date" time automatically sets to 00:00
- Serial Number Handler - Take sets refSN and refPN to the text 'null' if none is provided
- Users - Previously selected users are also counted when showing "delete (x) users" dialog
- Dashboard - Dynamic yield grid. Display empty cell instead of "0%" for the different yield columns
- Alarms and notifications - Unable to save alarm rules with level or group filters
- Production Manager - Cannot add Workflow relation
- Production Manager - Unresponsive toolbar after an unsuccessful delete request.
- Alarms and notifications - Email actions doesn't support colon in serial number.
- Production Manager - Unable to delete revoked MI instructions with attached instruction pdfs
- UUT report: Meas name should be rendered as text, not HTML
- Reporting - Matrix view may include to many rows when drilling down from a record with empty dimension value
- Periodic yield - Part number rows matrix view does not provide records when rows "Product name" is undefined
- UUT Asset naming
- PRP files generated from clipboard adds carriage return on values in last column
- Unable to see product groups of assigned products
- Periodic Yield - doesn't draw the chart bars
- Reporting - Redundant api calls requested from charts
- Reporting - Filter - 'Select now' in filter time picker sets local time, not UTC + fast choices in datepicker does not affect time value
- Reporting - Drill down filter does not include 'Repair operation'
- Asset tree view does not auto expand when drill down from UUT
- Asset info is not copied to replaced UUT
- Reporting - Printing results in far to many pages
- KeyValue UserSettingsYieldReportGrid can occasionally get multiple of same column in columnOrder
- Add an dashboard info section to the settings dialog
- OI - Unable to delete unsubmitted reports
- PDF Dashboard print prints 12 months of data, regardless of filter settings.
- Dashboard - Station yield chart and Station test yield chart widget doesn't use dynamic yield
- Report center - Data warehouse statistics issue when dimensions change in second or subsequent runs
- Double MAC addresses distributed - a fix that should stop the second ack/release
- Dashboard - Chart rendering issue in 'Station test yield chart' widget.
- Rolled Throughput Yield - bar chart data only visible when period grouping is "Month"
- Periodic yield - Passed in run chart data only visible when period grouping is "month"
- Dashboard - 'Test report #' column visibility issue in 'Station report grid' widget
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