WATS comes pre-populated with a predefined Repair Operation Type. You can modify this repair operation type, or create your own.
From the login screen or the upper left menu icon, select Control Panel > Process & Production > Processes.
Creating a new repair operation
To add a new repair operation, click New process(+) and edit the name and description directly in the grid. To make this process a repair operation, check the option Is repair operation.
Editing repair operations
To edit an existing repair operation type, select the repair operation from the process list, and click Edit repair operation. Here you can edit settings related to the repair operation in general, add miscellaneous data to be added to the report, and customize the different repair categories and repair codes / failure types.
UUT binding
The setting UUT-binding lets you specify if the repair should be bound to an existing test report (UUT). You can choose to make the binding required, optional or to never create a binding.
BOM binding
If you have uploaded BOM-lists to your products, you can choose to bind the component reference to your BOM-list. You can choose to make the BOM-binding required, optional or to never bind to BOM-list.
Vendor binding
This options controls if failures added during repair should refer to a vendor of the failed component. Required will force the operator to select one of the vendors in the list before the failure is added. Optional will allow the operator to select from the list, provide a custom value or leave the field empty. Never will hide the Vendor field for the operator.
CompRef mask
When not using BOM-binding, you can specify a mask for your component references in the form of a regular expression. This expression will be used to verify the operators input of the component reference.
CompRef validation text
The comp.ref. validation text simply displays as a message to the operator, explaining what format should be used to comply with the CompRef mask.
Miscellaneous information
You can predefine any number of misc. fields related to the repair operation. To add a misc. field, click the New miscellaneous (+) button in the ribbon and edit the name and input mask (regular expression) directly in the grid. Click Done to save your changes.
Adding and editing Repair categories
The repair categories, repair codes and failure types are shown in a editable tree-view. To add a new category to the list, click New repair category in the ribbon. This will add a empty line to the grid. Edit the category name directly in the grid.
To edit repair category names, click the name and edit it directly in the grid. Click Done to save your changes.
Adding and editing repair codes and failure types
To add a new repair code to a repair category, select your category from the list and click New code(+) in the ribbon. This will add a new row to your grid. Type in the repair code, select failure type and set the options for image attachments directly in the grid. Click Done to save your changes.
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