Once you have set up the Serial number handler at the server and the WATS Client, you can easily GET new serial numbers or MAC addresses using your application.
Using LabVIEW
Use the built in WATS MES toolkit to get a serial number or MAC address.
Using TestStand
Use the .NET API to get a serial number or MAC address.
Using C#
When using C# and the WATS Client .NET api, a serial number handler class can be aquired simply by instantiating an object of the SerialNumberHandler class and sypplying the serial number type in the constructor. The constructed object will be a singleton object for the serialnumber type. The Initialize() function only needs to be called once to set up the local offline storage or whenever you want to change the pool-options.
The below code will create and initialize a serial number handler on the client:
using Virinco.WATS.Interface.MES.Production; // Namespace for the SN handler
// Create object
SerialNumberHandler sh = new SerialNumberHandler("MACAddress");
// Initialize handler with no pooling on the client side
sh.Initialize(null, null, SerialNumberHandler.RequestType.Take, true, 0, 0, "", "", testCode);
// Initialize handler with batchsize of 50 and minimum size of 5 serials
sh.Initialize(null, null, SerialNumberHandler.RequestType.Reserve, true, 50, 5, "", "", testCode);
The below example code will create a MAC Address type SN handler and assume it is already Initialized:
using Virinco.WATS.Interface.MES.Production; // Namespace for the SN handler
// Create SN handler object
SerialNumberHandler handler = new SerialNumberHandler("MAC Address");
// Get a single MAC Address
string mac = handler.GetSerialNumber("123456789", "100200");
// Get an array of 10 MAC addresses
string[] macs = handler.GetSerialNumbers(10, "123456789", "100200");
Did someone had have already this error once?
The error state "MACAddress is not initialized". Have you?: https://support.virinco.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013425540-Configure-Serial-number-handler-at-the-WATS-Client
Dear Tom
Yes I had initialized the serial number handler.
Now I reinstalled the WATS TestStand Plugin but unfortunately with the same result.
Hi, seems like a "spacing" issue?
Error log: "MACAddress", Serial number handler: "MAC Address"
Hi Tom
This was indeed the case.
Many thanks for the hint.
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