WATS Cloud maintenance.
- RTY: Exception occurred if a period only contains nan/inf values.
- Publish client update permission not set on legacy accounts.
- PCA: Aggregated step details throws an error in some special cases.
- Workflow Repair: Workflow is not suspended when workflow enters repair.
- Station report: PPM formatting.
- Export wizard: Infinity values cause Certificate export to crash
- Alarms and notifications: Can't update actions on old rules
- OI MI: Load misc. info values for sequences that have repair process specified
- Asset Manager: Calibration and Maintenance is logged wrong
- MI: Attach file dialog box sometimes take too much space and renders scroll bar
- CP Tokens: Create Token GUI adds non-existing space to web client and role
- CP Tokens: Expire limit to date forces minimum 1 year
- Product Manager: Unassociated part numbers grid height issue
- Product Manager: Unassociated part numbers does not show loader correctly
- OI: Reset OI settings/fingerprint must not delete the station entry
- Reporting: SNH sometimes does not apply filter when pressing the enter key.
- Mes Manager: Cannot delete virtual folders
- CP Roles: Creating new headless role creates a non-headless role instead
- API: Add public wats filter option to include sublevels
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