Manage your serial numbers from the Serial number handler in the WATS Client Configurator. The Serial number handler fetches serial numbers from your WATS server for you to use at the test station.
Choose the type of serial number, reserve serial numbers for offline use or take serial numbers for immediate use.
A serial number type must be initialized before it can be used. These settings are applied when initializing or re-initializing.
Reuse: Changes the behavior to reuse serial numbers if the request has the same refSN, refPN and batchsize as an earlier request. This setting is applied immediately when checking the box.
Reserve offline: Fetches a batch of serial numbers and marks them as reserved in the WATS server.
In sequence: Fetches contiguous serial numbers (not supported for RunningSN).
Batch size: Only for reserve offline, the number of serial numbers to fetch at once.
Fetch when less than: Only for reserve offline, when fewer serial numbers are left, fetch a new batch.
Start from: The serial number to start fetching from.
Cancel reserved
Only for reserve offline, cancels the reservation in the WATS server, and makes the serial numbers available for another client.
List of serial numbers
The list displays the serial numbers that have been fetched and if they have been used or are just reserved for use.
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