The WATS Power BI application is a simple and predefined application with yield and trend information.
See also:
Using Power BI with WATS restAPI
Install the App by navigation to the following url:
You may also install the application manually with the following procedure:
- Sign in with your Power BI account at
- Select the Get data button in the lower left corner.
- Click the Get button in the Services box
- Search for and install the WATS application
Connect your data
The WATS Power BI app will be installed with a connection to a demo datasource. Follow these simple steps to connect it to your own data.
- Navigate to your WATS account and create valid access token. The token needs permission to access the WATS Rest API. See for more information.
- Navigate to the Apps section in the Power BI menu and select WATS
- Select Connect in the "Get started with your new app" window
- Enter your WatsURL and access token from step 1 (use the complete URL to your wats instance or OnPrem installation. ex.
- Let authentication method and privacy level remain the default (Anonymous and None respectively) and click the Sign in button
You should now be able to browse the Application with your own data.
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