14:00 UTC | 2018-Jun-06
All accounts are now running as normal.
If you experience any abnormalities with your account, please contact support@virinco.com
08:05 UTC | 2018-Jun-06
Some WATS Clients running Windows XP experience connection problems after the upgrade. We are currently investigating the issue.
21:55 UTC | 2018-Jun-05
All accounts should be running normal but we will continue to monitor the service.
19:50 UTC | 2018-Jun-05
Some skyWATS.com accounts on Pods 2 and 4 are experiencing general performance issues due to planned maintenance. https://virinco.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360004302032-Planned-maintenance-May-June-2018.
Maintenance on these Pods are expected to be completed within 8 - 12 hours.
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