Prepare for installation on local site
A WATS Local server installation in a production site might involve several parties. This article intends to describe various pitfalls and reduce the surprises to a minimum. The following parties should be involved in the process:
- WATS Project management (centrally)
- IT Operations centrally
- IT Operations locally
- Test management locally
For a successful and problem-free local site installation, it is important that everyone involved understands the process and that the necessary resources are available at the right time.
Infrastructure and Hardware requirements
See Also:
Server Requirements
- Server can be either physical server or virtual server if such environment is already in place.
Physical server
- Physical placement of server on site is agreed with local IT
- Server hardware meets minimum requirements
Existing virtualization environment
- Available resources meets minimum requirements
Network connection
- Server has internet access
- Clients can reach server on internal network
Connection to master server
- Communication strategy is verified, and agreed upon by all involved parties. Refer to Server Requirements for details.
Backup requirement
- Backup infrastructure in place, or necessity of a local backup is waived.
Software requirements
- Operating System installed
- Operating system patched with latest patches
- Remote access software installed (TeamViewer 15) and set to autostart
Microsoft SQL Server
- Recommended version: 2019 (minimum version 2017)
- Recommended edition: Standard
- Required modules: Database Engine Services
- Configuration: Most configuration options can be left with default values, here are some basic recommendations:
- Use separate disks for system and data. To improve performance, transaction log and backup files can also be put on separate disks.
- If the server is also application server (single server installation), restrain the memory usage for MS SQL server.
- We recommend using default collation (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS)
Refer to for furter details about SQL Server installation and configuration.
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