WATS.com Availability - User Level: | Operator, Analyzer, Manager |
This article will explain how to execute a Manual Inspection test sequence. To be able to execute a test sequence, make sure that you have one or more test sequence defined and designed in Control Panel -> Production Manager.
To start test execution, navigate to the WATS Operator Interface module. Make sure you've configured the Operator Interface to look for the desired sequence status. You can check which sequence status WATS Operator Interface is set to by navigating to Operator Interface -> Configuration ->Advanced configuration -> Manual inspection sequence status.
When a unit has been scanned and checked-in, select "Manual Inspection" from the menu. If multiple Manual Inspection test sequences matches the current unit, or if multiple test operations are defined in the test sequence, the operator must choose the appropriate test sequence and operation manually from the dropdown dialog.
Manual inspections come with a set of options which affects the current test sequence.
- Submit
Submits the UUT/UUR report. This option is enabled if the sequence is completed, or a step has failed and the sequence requires a UUT/UUR submit on first failed step.
- Delete
Deletes the test sequence instance. When clicked, all test execution progress is lost (incl. UUT/UUR Miscellaneous Info). This option is enabled when the operator has started executing the test.
NOTE: This does not delete the sequence, just the current sequence instance. - Pass All
Passes all unset test steps that are marked as appropriate to pass without supplied measurements
- Header
Contains information related to the report(s) header e.g. Misc info and repair operation. - Step
Displays sequence step parameters and input values. This is usually main view while execution a Manual inspection - Barcodes
The barcode tab implemented to streamline manual testing.
Within the tab the operator can generates a sheet containing barcodes for each step defined in the test sequence. The operator can then configure a barcode scanner to WATS and scan the barcodes to set the step result (e.g. pass/fail tests).
When the test sequence has been loaded, the operator should start filling in the test sequence header. Note that the sequence can be executed at any time, but the miscellaneous info must be provided and validated prior to submitting the reports.
- Sub units
If MES is enabled, the subunit grid will already contain the subunits related to the unit. The operator will therefore only enter a serial number for the units in the grid. These units will be validated on check in, which will either accept or reject the unit. All subunits in the grid must be accepted to complete the test execution.
If MES is disabled and Product is enabled, the operator can freely add subunits, but all subunits added must be defined in the Product manager. The Part number cell will therefore contain a drop-down which filters registered products based on field input value.
If MES and Product is disabled, the operator can freely add subunits. There is no validation without MES. - Misc Info
Misc info related to the repair and test processes will be displayed in the header. These contain a regex expression or a static value limit. When a Misc info value is filled in, WATS will check if the value is valid based on the limit. - Repair operation
If a static repair operation is not specified in the sequence, the operator can select a repair operation for the unit repair. The selected repair operation might also load additional misc. info's if they are defined in the repair operation. - Comments
There are two types of comments, UUR and UUT. Text entered in these fields will be attached to the corresponding report header. There is no comment validation, and the comments are therefore not required but usually used to store additional information related to the report which is not already specified as Misc info. - Start test / Continue test button
This button will enable the sequence for editing and store the data entered in the header.
When the header properties have been set with the appropriate values, the operator can proceed to the sequence execution by clicking the "Start test" button. Note that values in the header tab can be modified throughout the test sequence execution by changing toggling the "Step" and "Header" tab.
The picture below displays a test sequence header in Manual Inspection. Note that one misc. info is not valid, which is indicated with the red warning text below the input field and the error icon.
When the "Start Test" button has been clicked, the test sequence will be unlocked, and you will be navigated to the step tab.
This tab contains individual step data. Every step contains an image attachment uploader, a comment field and an instruction set which if specified, will contain a set of instructions on how to execute the test for the given step. If a step has a set of instructions, the instructions will appear at the right side of the splitter. Note that some steps require an image attached to the step before it can be submitted. If that's the case, warning text will be displayed below the image section in the currently active step.
Manual Inspection supports a set of different step types:
- Numeric Limit Test
Contains an input field which is automatically focused on load. Also contains information for high and low limit values and calculated comparison type. The operator can simply press “enter” after entering the value, which will trigger the “confirm” button and go to the first unset step in the sequence. - String Value Test
Contains an input field which is automatically focused on load. Also contains a limit value which is either static (value must match) or determined by a regular expression (Regex). The operator can simply press “enter” after entering the value, which will trigger the “confirm” button and go to the first unset step in the sequence. - Pass Fail Test
Contains buttons for pass / fail. The operator can simply press “enter” after entering the value, which will trigger the “pass” button and go to the first unset step in the sequence. - Wait Step
Triggers a timer when step is activated, counting down the specified wait time. The wait time will keep counting whether the operator is in the sequence or not. When the remaining time is 0, the next first unset step in the sequence will be activated. - Set Process Step
Contains a “confirm” button which is automatically focused on load. This step is merely a “confirm” step, which sets the any changes any process, be it test, repair or other processes. The operator can simply press “enter”, which will trigger the “confirm” button and go to the first unset step in the sequence. - Attach file Step
Triggers an attachment uploader dialog, which allow the operator to upload attachments of the specified type. When a file is selected, the step will autocomplete and navigate to the first next unset step.
If all steps are passed / done, the "submit" button will be enabled and the sequence can be submitted. However, if a step fails, the operator might need to add failures to the step before the report can be submitted.
If a step has failed, and “repair on failed” settings is set to anything else than never (in the sequence settings), the repair grid will be displayed. This allow the operator to do inline repair on the sequence, which will generate UUR report when sequence is submitted.
The image displays a failed sequence, where the sequence settings "submit UUR/UUT on first failed step" is set to true, therefore the sequence locks and the operator can only access the header tab, submit repairs on the failed step, redo the step, or submit the report.
The repair table contains 5 fields:
- Unit
If subunits have been added to the header, the failure can be attached any of the registered subunit. This field will display available units in a dropdown window. If the failure is related to the main unit, the “unit” field contain the main unit (specified in parentheses). - Category / Code
Contains a dropdown window with failure categories / codes related to the repair operation specified in the header. If this field is empty, make sure that the selected repair operation contains categories / codes (this can be done in “Wats Control Panel” => Process). - Component reference
This field should contain the component reference (id, name etc.) for the component that caused the failure. - Comment
A simple comment field that can add additional information to the failure. This comment will be displayed as a comment on the failure in the UUR report. - Attachments
This allows the operator to use a connected web-camera to take a photo of the failure, or upload documents, pre-defined pictures etc. to the failure. A failure can have attachments of all types, and each failure can have up to three attachments.
What is the procedure for displaying a specific page of a PDF document within a Manual Inspection sequence ?
Where the PDF document has to be saved :
> on the cloud ?
> on a local network ?
> on the PC using Operator mode in a web browser ?
Hi Jean-Louis,
Currently we support storage/access of Manual Inspection media files to a web location where anonymous access is allowed.
As of version 2016.2 we also support UNC locations (where the UNC path must be accessible from the WATS server), as well as locations which are password protected. In the Sequence Designer, credentials must be defined in the sequence/step where you have set the “MediaUrl” property referring to the password protected location.
If you want to display a PDF, you can set the “MediaUrl” property with an web address to the PDF file. This can be set on any sequence/step, but usually this is set in the “root” sequence if only one PDF file is displayed during the test. The “MediaUrl” is inheritable, so that any sub sequence or step also uses the same URL - but can refer to different pages/sentences in the PDF. More information on this topic is available in our In-App Help documentation: WATS Control Panel -> Manual Inspection Manager -> Sequence Designer.
Does the barcode identifiers also work by scanning the sub-unit within the sequence of a manual inspection?
Because our qr codes containing always several information and not the serial number only.
Hi Kevin, provided that the barcode scanner is set up correctly, yes.
First you need to configure the scanner in the OI configuration: https://support.virinco.com/hc/en-us/articles/13991633116060-Configuring-your-barcode-scanners-in-WATS
Then set up barcode identifiers for your different barcode formats. These include information on what part of the barcode is SN, PN, REV, BATCH or Process.
Dear Ola
Many thanks for this fast reply and suggested solution.
I'll have a look into the barcode scanner settings.
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