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The Periodic Yield Report gives you the ability to monitor and measure yield on your products against assigned KPI targets, sorted by period and part number. The PPM calculation is showing fraction of tests not passed as part per million.
Report Filter
Please refer to the article; Using the report filter for documentation on the report filter in general.
Miscellaneous data as filter and dimensions
In this report you can choose to filter on, and aggregate by misc. info data. By entering value in the fields Misc.indo desc (description) and Misc.info string (value), the report will display data from UUT's with Misc.info description matching your setting, and aggregate the reports based on values from the Misc.info string value.
The above filter settings will display reports with the Misc. Info description "UUT Description". It will also aggregate the report on the different "UUT Description"-variants like shown in the screenshot "Grid, using Misc.Info" below. The screenshot "Grid not using Misc.Info" shows the same result, without the misc.info dimension included.
Period grouping
The report will be displayed grouped by period. In the field Period grouping, you can choose to group by hour, day, week, month, quarter and year. The report will display a expandable grid with one row representing each period of your selected type.
Group by option
In addition to the generic report filter and misc.info dimensions, you can choose to group the result by either Product or Product and revision which lets you inspect yield calculations on revision level.
Periodic yield - Grid
The grid displayed when running the report, shows metrics and yield for the time period, and period type. By clicking the expand / collapse icons of each row, you can expand this report in multiple levels, depending on your filter settings.
Grid, collapsed grouped by month: By default the grid has all rows collapsed like in the below screenshot.
Grid, not using Misc.Info: Without Misc.info added the grid displays part numbers and revisions (depending on your option) and has only two levels.
Grid, using Misc.Info: Adding Misc.Info adds a third level of aggregation to the report)
Periodic yield - Charts
In addition to the grid view, this report has three different bar charts. Notice that not all charts are visible until you expand one of the rows in the grid.
Yield by period
The first of the charts shows data aggregated for every period listed in the grid. The chart shows a bar for each period showing the count, and line plot showing yield as well as yield warning and alarm levels. This chart will always be visible in the report, regardless of if the grid is expanded or not.
Yield by Misc Info Description
If Misc.Info is included in your filter, and you expand one of the period-rows, the Yield by Misc.Info Description chart will be loaded. This will show the data from the expanded period in a chart aggregated on your selected Misc.Info filter.
Passed in run Chart
Expanding any period row in the report grid will load the Passed in run Chart showing a test tail chart for the expanded period. Here you can see one bar for each pass that is run, with a total count of units that passed in each run.
This chart lets you quickly identify the units that has been tested multiple times, how many times they where tested, and in what run they pass. By clicking one of the bars, you will be taken to the serial number history for all units that passed in your selected run.
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