To simplify integration to other 3rd party systems, we introduce Wats Standard Xml Format (WSXF).
You can GET WSXF files directly from the server using the REST API.
You can POST WSXF files directly to the server using the REST API. For more information, see
When you install the WATS Client, a folder named “WatsStandardXMLFormat” is created at C:\ProgramData\Virinco\WATS. If a file using the WSXF Format is saved to the directory, the WATS Client will automatically read and import the file into WATS.
Please see the attached documentation documents below.
General details
Wats Standard Xml Format supports two report types:
Unit under test (UUT)
Unit under repair (UUR)
The format of the Wats Standard Xml Format is an xml file specified with a xsd schema.
The schema supports multiple reports in one document, but the api only accepts one report per call.
The file contains a Reports root element in xml namespace ''. The root element can contain one or more Report elements. See the schema definition for details.
To inspect or download the XML schema, use the following URL but "yourserver" with your wats servername:
Description & Example
Please see the attached Schema definition and example xml files.
How can actually get the report to provide me data from serial number? I get ""The request is invalid. when I type a serial number into ID field below
I was expecting to be able to use a serial number, that I know exist in the wats database, since I can with webbrowser type serial number and get the full test report
Then I want to use the "Try it out" button
Hi Brian,
Apologies for very slow response to your post here. The Id field is the report-uuid (Guid or unique identifier) of the report. To locate the uuid of a report, you will need to use the Query method like this:
https://*$filter=PN eq '001234'
The query method use OData ( semantics.
The response from Query can be used to find the actual uuid (named "Guid" in the response), and then using this id you will be able to extract the entire report.
Is there a size limit to the attachment step, if you upload using the API?
In case of a limit, will the attachment binary code be truncated?
And will the response contain an error or just an OK (200)?
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