NOTE: You cannot edit Roles & Permission on Basic, Analytics or Legacy cloud plans.
The Roles & Permission section allow you to create or edit different User roles and grant/deny access to functionality in WATS. By default there are predefined roles. The predefined roles will appear with a lock icon to the right side of their names and can not have their names edited or deleted. The predefined roles can however have their permissions changed in the right-hand list if the user currently logged in have the permission to edit permissions.
If a selected role's permissions can't be edited, there will be a warning icon on the top of the list.
The "Administrator" role will always be read only and cannot have its name or permissions changed.
All parent permissions will have an arrow on the left-hand side of the permission names which can be clicked, indicating if the permission will expand to show sub-levels or collapse to hide sub-levels of the permission.
Activating/deactivating a top-level permission will activate/deactivate all sub-level permissions.
A top-level permission can be active without having sub-level permissions active.
See the help file for details (click Help in the upper right corner in the Control Panel)
Goto Users to connect a User to a Role.
Is it true that the Analyzer role is able to add/remove notifications for all users? I would prefer that each user could only edit their own notifications - not for entire roles.
Hi Lasse, what notifications are you referring to?
If you are on the Enterprise plan you can edit the Roles & Permission settings as you prefer.
Hi Tom. It is the "ALARMS AND NOTIFICATIONS" where you can setup rules. I think some of the default notifications are "Unit not passed after 5'th run". We have the Analytics plan. Most of my white collar colleagues have the analyzer role. But I think Analyzer actually have the rights to edit all the rules for notifications that are setup (for everyone). I think there is only one layer of rules (not all users and individual user levels). But I can see from the changelog that some users have edited the rules. I would argue that each user edits the rules with good intentions - to target specific locations or whatever. Just as you could do it with your email client inbox - I would not expect these rules to apply for other users. Don't know if it makes sense :-)
Hi Lasse, yes I guess it makes sense, but Alarms and notification is "global account settings" as it is now.
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