Edit Roles & Permission




  • Lasse Wachmann

    Is it true that the Analyzer role is able to add/remove notifications for all users? I would prefer that each user could only edit their own notifications - not for entire roles. 

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  • Tom Andres Lomsdalen

    Hi Lasse, what notifications are you referring to?

    If you are on the Enterprise plan you can edit the Roles & Permission settings as you prefer.

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  • Lasse Wachmann

    Hi Tom. It is the "ALARMS AND NOTIFICATIONS" where you can setup rules. I think some of the default notifications are "Unit not passed after 5'th run". We have the Analytics plan. Most of my white collar colleagues have the analyzer role. But I think Analyzer actually have the rights to edit all the rules for notifications that are setup (for everyone). I think there is only one layer of rules (not all users and individual user levels). But I can see from the changelog that some users have edited the rules. I would argue that each user edits the rules with good intentions - to target specific locations or whatever. Just as you could do it with your email client inbox - I would not expect these rules to apply for other users. Don't know if it makes sense :-) 

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  • Tom Andres Lomsdalen

    Hi Lasse, yes I guess it makes sense, but Alarms and notification is "global account settings" as it is now.

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