Edit Processes (Test/Repair Operation)




  • Rasmus Ågren

    It seems that the pictures are from an older version of SkyWATS. 

    I'm also unable to delete a process in the current version, or have I missed how to do it?...

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  • Tom Andres Lomsdalen

    Hi, yes, print screens will be updated periodically as the WATS GUI changes.

    You cannot delete a process, only change the name or set them inactive. I hope this was clarifying.  

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  • Sparham, James (UK)

    What is best practice when defining processes? One per teststand sequence or one for many teststand sequences?

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  • Tom Andres Lomsdalen

    Hi James, 

    You should make one for many TestStand sequences. In general, try to keep the number of processes limited, as you can filter Part Numbers, sequence files etc "within" each process. 

    The list of processes should be your "overall" process steps above stations, sequences, operators, etc. 

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