You can extend the event/error logging of the WATS Client. This is useful when troubleshooting problems and requesting support from Virinco (add the extended wats.log to the support request).
See Also:
Where to find the wats.log
WATS Client version 6.0 or newer
Open the WATS Client Monitor and click 'Enable Verbose Logging', which will enable verbose logging for 24 hours.
Alternatively (advanced users):
- Go to C:\ProgramData\Virinco\WATS
- Open the file "settings.json".
- Under LoggingSettings, change LoggingLevel to -1.
- Alternatively, change LoggingLevel to -1 and change OverriddenLogginLevel to 15 and OverrideExpiresDate to some date in the future. After this date, LoggingLevel will go back to its original value when the WATS Client Service is restarted.
- Restart the WATS Client Service (Computer Management > Services and Applications > Services > WATS Client Service. Right click and select Restart) or restart the computer.
- Change LoggingLevel back to 15 when done troubleshooting and restart the WATS Client Service.
WATS Client version 5.1
- Open regedit (run > regedit).
- Right click and add new String value and name it "LoggingLevel".
- Double click and add value "All".
- Restart the WATS Client Service (Computer Management > Services and Applications > Services > WATS Client Service. Right click and select Restart) or restart the computer.
Remember to disable the LoggingLevel when troubleshooting is finished (delete the LoggingLevel key in regedit and restart WATS Client Service).
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