These fixes and features are being rolled out to WATS Cloud within the next few days.
- Nothing new this release
- [19469] Yield report - Add Test Report Yield as Yield grid column options
- [20511] Implement dropdown option for wla
- [20622] Matrix view - Lookup template type
- [20997] Add help text to time zone setting in My settings
- [21231] System Manager - Update popup text on Remove button
- [21413] RCA - Able to search tags
- [21577] Analytics - Inconsistent column header in OEE matrix view
- [21797] Operator Interface - Unit consist of adds unit to wrong parent if the box build has multiple of the same product
- [21851] Export Wizard - Unnecessarily uses sequence filter to find reports
- [22003] Analytics - Rolled Throughput yield displays 0% RTY on product and process rows
- [22016] Analytics - Gauge R&R may fail to generate report when excluding to many reports
- [22023] Analytics - Test step analysis doesn't include units tested more than 100 times even when serial number is specified in filter
- [22025] Analytics - Gauge RnR may not run properly if sequence name/version contains special characters
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