These fixes and features are available for upgrade.
- WATS Release Note - Root Cause Analysis - 24.2 (Release Note)
- WATS Release Note - Asset Manager & Asset Types- 24.2 (1) (Release Note)
- WATS Release Note - Software Package Rest API - 24.2 (Release Note)
- WATS Release Note - Repair analysis - 24.2 (1) (Release Note)
- WATS Release Note - WIP tracking - 24.2 (Release Note)
- [15280] Backend - Improve Step Caused sequence failure method
- [17203] Frontend - Improve matrix view
- [11716] Rest API - Test step analysis endpoint (preview)
- [19811] My settings: changed link to newsletter subscription page
- [19861] Manufacturing Insight - Default heatmap for all users
- [19383] Dynamic yield - add fp, sp, tp, lp and ty warning and alarm columns
- [19882] Update receive count when identity replace with max receive count
- [19899] Grids: set grouping on as default
- [19876] Store attachment and chart size in storage table
- [20143] POST WSJF & WSXF - Trim whitespace in header fields and step name
- [19798] MySettings: Make sure "showTimeAs" settings is properly updated
- [20100] System manager, Assets manager and Production - move to feature.
- [20293] Processes - Include GUID in Failcodes when updating repair operation
- [20357] Support comma as input in number directive
- [18845] Add grid Print for Matrix View (All Instances)
- [20323] Matrix View - UUT report button
- [20459] Production Manager - Implement download package
- [20545] Make grid selection consistent when entering page
- [20677] Increase chart series limit to 50 in POST WSJF and POST WSXF
- [20732] Product groups - added product name to filter-search and unassociated part numbers list
- [20777] Production.MergeUnits - Check if incoming unit is different
- [20778] Distribution.ReserveChanges - Handle parent conflicts
- [20138] Add new column and options in Connection and Execution time report
- [20613] Control Panel - Improve grid expand/collapse
- [20812] custom reports - delete and clean up custom/unit-matrix
- [19414] Incorrect tab-order in MI/WF designer
- [21213] POST WSJF REST API - Allow duplicate step names
- [21354] Backend - improve sync functionality on server
- New WATS Client version: 6.1.122
- [18897] Igx snackbar comming behind the igx-grid-summary-row
- [20372] Add smtp-method to cfg.settings by default
- [20672] Change server sync to enterprise connection
- [20684] Remove Recaptcha for RequestAccess page for On-Prem
- [21402] Users - Implement password changed user message (snackbar)
- [21528] Change Videos link on WATS startpage
- [21579] Dashboard - Support for repair operation filter in statistics widget
- [21793] System Manager rest API - Include level hierarchy info when getting all clients
- [19469] Yield report - Add Test Report Yield as Yield grid column options
- [20511] Implement dropdown option for wla
- [20622] Matrix view - Lookup template type
- [20997] Add help text to time zone setting in My settings
- [21231] System Manager - Update popup text on Remove button
- [21413] RCA - Able to search tags
- [19424] Reports marked for DELETE does not get flagged in GUI (Test reports) - Delete all
- [19583] Step details - Legend tooltip appends previous group's label
- [19634] Step details - double datasets when making subsequent calls after navigating from Process Heatmap
- [19686] Reporting - Missing icon on start page
- [19762] Heatmap filtering on partnumbers
- [19804] Analytics - Step details suggestions are not listed
- [19827] Heatmap - mismatch between station count in button and in station overview chart.
- [19829] General - Products may be excluded from queries in some rare cases
- [19903] Wrong grouping selected when drilling down from Process heatmap to Step details
- [19958] System Manager - Wrong error message when removing virtual level that a user is restricted to
- [20039] Enterprise connection - Handle "Too many requests" error
- [20060] TSA: sequence chart does not remember column options
- [20070] Enterprise Connection - Add read permission to manager role
- [20036] Processes - Added code columns in repair categories tree grid (process-editor) dont align with headers.
- [20042] Processes - Vendors cant be deleted
- [20152] Heatmap - suggestion drilldown for product group and level should populate filter
- [20168] Report timestamp is updated mistakenly in background processing.
- [20204] Analytics - Filtering on socket index 0 is not working
- [20225] Heatmap - details view, remove grouping and fix grid width
- [20274] Enterprise Connection - Missing process name from source
- [20276] Analytics - Step details preview doesn't return misc descriptions
- [20327] General - Hourly queue may throw exceptions on legacy plan
- [20354] System Manager - Unable to update gps coordinates on master server
- [20285] Wats multi select - Scroll and dropdown width
- [20287] TSA - Sequence grid - Grid height does not respond to column grouping
- [20298] Step details - Last run filter returns all runs
- [20309] Analytics - Wats filter - Time is not updated if time editor is open when filter is applied
- [20316] Enterprise connection: loading processes from remote server is not cancelled when closing editor
- [20320] Enterprise Connection - Cannot edit job because "Too many request"
- [20427] Dynamic yield - Changing the visible columns does not take effect until a click on apply filter.
- [20428] Reporting - Export Wizard - Issue with creating root cause ticket from UUT / UUR grid
- [20430] Reporting - UUT & UUR grids - Issue with navigating to RCA ticket
- [20439] General - Background job causing high CPU
- [20474] Export Wizard - Steps with parenthesis or <> in the name never matches Selected steps
- [20477] MI Designer - Opening sequences in read-only mode
- [20478] Export Wizard - UUT grid throws multiple errors if 'Execution time' column is visible
- [20596] Export Wizard - Trouble copying text values from excel export
- [20603] api/Report/Query - URL encoding disappears when adding default $top and $orderby
- [20636] Wats multi select dropdown - Scrolling closes the dropdown
- [20473] ReportCenter - Report checksum matches when Sequence filepath is different
- [20476] Users: dropdowns for restricting to level or group is not disabled for basic and analytics accounts
- [20599] Manual Inspection - Listed misc fields are not validated correctly
- [20614] Dashboard - Measurement widgets doesn't print max/min series
- [20635] System Manager is slow or gets stuck
- [20660] api/App/RelatedRepairHistory - Fails with 'Invalid object name filter.GetReportUnitHierarchyProductRevisionsByFilter'
- [20673] RCA - Invalid subject on refresh
- [20683] Asset manager: copy asset from more menu not working
- [20757] Repair - Replaced units missing in report or wrong subunit replaced
- [20779] Enterprise connection - Increase max job name length
- [20789] Dynamic yield grid widget - Sorted columns are blanked
- [20798] Export Wizard - Steps with measurements in different order group weird
- [20804] Dynamic repair - Missing default view
- [20814] Operator Interface - Scanning barcodes may not always trigger a unit scan
- [20866] Process heatmap - heatmap sometimes displays wrong details view
- [20942] Backend - Daily job may fail on newly created instances
- [20980] Login - Custom SSO login button stopped working
- [20410] Dashboard: manual refresh is not working for dashboards created with Add to dashboard
- [20965] UUT report: query string is not encoded when retrieving Step details link
- [20971] Analytics - Test step yield and analysis is using local time zone setting when UTC is specified.
- [21006] Enterprise Connection - Selections gets hidden in grid dropdown
- [21039] Asset types - Changelog button links to incorrect logs
- [21042] Process heatmap: unable to drilldown to repair reports
- [21058] SCIM - Role is not being properly extracted from provisioning data
- [21074] Unit Verification - Shows report local time in UTC column
- [21075] Test Reports - With German translation, Delete Mode says write "DELETE" but requires it in German
- [21108] Production Manager - Download all files generate an error
- [21135] Analytics - Negativ CPK for single sided limits in GR&R
- [21190] Process heatmap save filter changes button appears unnecessarily when entering heatmap
- [21193] Insights - Cant navigate to Insights
- [21198] Process heatmap - loader sometimes freezes
- [21200] GetUserClientGroup and DynamicYield sometimes returns same level with different name
- [21202] Operator Interface - Revision mask is not validated correctly in boxbuild
- [21239] Report reception - Asset stats are calculated by calibration logged date, not calibration date
- [21240] UUT Report - Mistake in asset stats format
- [21280] Export Wizard - WSJF export does not include attachment and chart data
- [21282] Test Report - Cannot open attached file on old reports
- [21310] Drilldown is unstable when using wildcard
- [21323] Manual Inspection Designer - Unable to list global sequences
- [21333] Alarms and Notifications - Asset rules don't match on tags
- [21339] Enterprise Connection - Processed in total displaying wrong numbers on statistics view
- [21350] Root Cause - D# is not visible in progress drop down
- [21364] Enterprise Connection - Incorrect date
- [21367] Process heatmap - issues dropdown displaying wrong data
- [21378] Analytics - Dynamic repair does not show referenced test step in matrix view
- [21387] RCA - Progress bar and tooltip losing it styling and gets hidden
- [21112] Dashboard - Subscription pdf contains "new feature" tooltip
- [21326] Analytics - Error links in drill down menu
- [21366] Enterprise Connection - Unable to delete job when there are reports in queue
- [21392] Production Manager - Attributes dropdown text is cut off
- [21393] Production Manager - StationName tag is missing "Any" station
- [21394] Production Manager - File attributes are lost when multiple files and folders are replaced
- [21410] System Manager - Software tab doesn't show installed software until refreshed
- [21423] Analytics - Repair time's matrix view doesn't show all the records
- [21543] Export Wizard rest API - Certificate export is missing Asset and Step time
- [21381] WIP Tracking - Product name is missing
- [21490] OI Repair - sometimes subunits and or associated data dont load
- [21568] Remote update of WATS Client fails when client is using domain
- [21569] Dynamic Yield Grid - Summary yield values are no fully displayed
- [21570] Rest API POST App/Measurements is missing stringLimit
- [21667] System manager & Production Manager - Move Clients dropdown
- [21668] System Manager - Cannot remove Virtual Level with clients in it
- [21673] Production manager - SW file grid
- [21675] OI Repair - dropdown in selected repair operation stays open on tab change
- [21679] OI Repair - Selecting and reselecting repair operation looses autonavigation.
- [21687] Operator Interface - Serial Number History shows reports it is not supposed to
- [21706] Asset Manager - Tag grid edit mode remains visible when switching between asset selections
- [21708] Software Package - Zip Upload fails if zip size > 150MB
- [21711] System manager - Client list grid view delete not working
- [21716] Product Manager - Getting part number is not cancelled when switching between part numbers and no loader appears
- [21735] Product groups - On unassociated part numbers last seen value changes after export
- [21759] Unit consists of - Quantity is not respected when adding sub unit with a different revision
- [21794] Rest API GET App/Levels - Levels are returned in wrong order
- [21577] Analytics - Inconsistent column header in OEE matrix view
- [21797] Operator Interface - Unit consist of adds unit to wrong parent if the box build has multiple of the same product
- [21851] Export Wizard - Unnecessarily uses sequence filter to find reports
- [22003] Analytics - Rolled Throughput yield displays 0% RTY on product and process rows
- [22016] Analytics - Gauge R&R may fail to generate report when excluding to many reports
- [22023] Analytics - Test step analysis doesn't include units tested more than 100 times even when serial number is specified in filter
- [22025] Analytics - Gauge RnR may not run properly if sequence name/version contains special characters
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