When working with ticket creation and updates, understanding the properties is crucial. Here are key points to keep in mind about ticket properties:
- The subject is the only mandatory field for a new ticket, limited to 100 characters.
- It serves as the main title for existing tickets.
- Users can edit the subject after creation by clicking on the edit button resembling a pen icon. Confirmation of the modification is required by clicking on the check button.
- Assignee is optional during ticket creation but becomes mandatory for subsequent modifications.
- Roles and Wats users can be assigned as assignee.
- Assignee will automatically be added as team member (see below).
- Use the bell icon next to "Assignee" to send a reminder email to the assignee.
- The status property is editable only for assigned and existing tickets.
- On a new ticket, it is initially set to "New" and changes to "Open" upon assignment.
- Status options include "On hold" or "Solved." If marked "Solved," all properties become uneditable until the status changes.
- The status "Archived" can only be set when the ticket is in the "Solved" status.
- Only ticket owner or admin permission can set the status to “Archive”
Team Member:
- Team members can be assigned to any email, role, or WATS user.
- Press Enter to add a member with an email, or use the autocomplete feature for quick selection of roles and WATS users.
- If a role is selected as a team member, users with the role will be displayed in a tooltip on hover.
- New tickets are initialized with the progress value set to "None".
- The progress can be updated at any time to align with the 8D structure, enabling structured problem-solving and tracking.
- Prioritize tickets as low, normal, or high to aid in determining immediate action.
- Prioritize tickets as low, normal, or high to aid in determining immediate action.
Reference Link for Tickets from Reports:
- Tickets created from reports include a reference link.
- References can be added, edited, or removed.
- When a valid GUID is detected in the URL, tags are automatically fetched and added to tags.
- Options to navigate to the provided reference or copy it to the clipboard
- Attachments can be added by drag-and-drop or browsing, with a total file size limit of 100MB.
- Manage attachments easily by removing them with a click on the "X" and downloading by clicking on the file name.
- After saving, the attachment will be located inside the content message along with the saved server message.
Saving Changes:
- Any changes made will be automatically saved to the server upon clicking "Save."
- If you decide to leave without saving, all changes will be discarded.
- The changelog will track ticket creation, updates, and deletion. To get access to changelog, navigate to ticket-list views and click on the "Changelog" button located at the top right.
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